Lunch At The Fish Farm at Kilim Geoforest Park , Langkawi
Live Seafood from fish farm as Our Lunch
They specialize in seafood and prepare the dishes in Malay or Thai style. You will get items prepared from freshly caught seafood including prawn, crabs, red snappers, groupers, lobsters, sea bass and even squids.
Coming to food... If you are taking a standard lunch as part of the Kilim Geopark Tour package, They serve fried rice, fried chicken, salad and chilled pineapple juice in big glass jars. Other than the juice, the quantity is fixed for the meal and may not be adequate for all. We found it okay though . If you take Ala Carta, then you actually get to taste the real food here . Try the mango salad, it's great. Other than fresh fruit juices and cold drinks, they also serve beer and wine here.
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