
Showing posts from September, 2017

Sandalo Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine , Damansara Utama

Sandalo Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine definitely is a place for Vege lover must to be and Nowdays everyone around the globe was caution on their healthy foods taking and having less on meat as well , Sandalo Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine offers foods that Malaysian love in the way of Vegetarian . The owner himself are vegetarian for many years and having the healthy life he wanted , He encourage everyone go green for healthy lifestyle and get the benefit of vitamin from all the vegetables . The owner also are well known as Malaysian Local Artist Johnson Low Profession in Actor , Singer, Model and also Magician . And be our host for the day by deep explaining why Vegetarian are so important for human being , get green every meal we having by avoiding it . Curious to know more about Sandalo Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine or wanted to meet Johnson Low in person ? . Sandalo Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine is located at bustling area Damansara Uptown  , the land of hard-to-fin...

Kungfu Steam Seafood , Bandar Puteri, Puchong

What I know that Kungfu Steam seafood is not a stranger to all the fresh seafood lover around the klang valley , They only served fresh . fresh and last word also the same FRESH !! . One thing that may makes you confuse even thou to me . At first , I thought Kungfu Steam seafood serving Steamboat concept like others out there but not like you thought . At here , Every dishes are prepared by steaming ingredients that we ordered . Let me show you later how they steam all the dishes , Now I'm gonna tell you where it's exact Located . The shop is easily can be found by Waze or Google Map , at the most hot district in Puchong called Bandar Puteri . Kungfu Steam seafood placed at the factory lot further up till you saw Macdonald's and starbucks on the left , There is bunch of dozen parking lot for you to be , No worries for parking problem . Before entering the shop , You definitely will saw This Seafood Market that situated on the left . What does Seafood Market does is...

珍发半山芭云吞面 , 白沙罗上城

Eddy Rush Fatboy Production的部落好久都没写华文版的文章了 , 因为我Eddy Rush本人写华文文章还好而已.恐怕你们看不明 , 发言就一流 . 两年前还写出三种语言的文章 , 现在没那多时间了 , 写出三种语言真的很吃时间 . 还有 , 大部分的华文字都还给老师了 . 当年的华语作文考试才拿15%分 , 想我写的几好 ? . 我会尽量的回忆那些字 , 活到老学到老吧 . 好啦 , 今天我是要介绍珍发半山芭云吞面的新餐牌 . 几个月前 , 我来过了两次  Pudu Chan Fatt Wanton Mee  . 不错吃的老字号云吞面 , 超过六十年历史的老字号就在白沙罗上城 . 但今日 , 珍发半山芭云吞面已经从新开业 ,  由第二代来把家庭秘方大开眼界 . 历史食谱从一九六六年开始 , 于一九九六年结束 . 二十一年的遗产回忆的正宗品味,终于在2017年重生 . 梅根根据母亲的愿望恢复了父亲的遗产 , 将她家庭遗产的传统食谱带给了新一代的顾客 . 来看看他们的新餐牌吧 ! 新! 冬菇鸡脚云吞面 新! 咖喱山猪肉干挠云吞面 , 山猪肉是我最爱 . 再加上在这碗云吞面里 , 直接是一流 . 新! 南乳腌制猪肉云吞面 , 脆脆的皮够香的南乳 . 吃下去就想到我妈在家弄的客家炸肉 . 招牌 ! 珍发半山芭特家云吞面 , 干捞面酱有它的独特古早味 . 自做的蛋面配上自烧的红酱叉烧 , 说真的我满喜欢 . 招牌 ! 咖哩叻沙云吞面 , 浓浓的咖喱汤配上白鸡 , 豆腐和腐皮卷 . 如果有猪皮会更好 , 这碗咖喱真有家乡味 . 招牌 ! 狮子头云吞面 , 将猪绞肉捏成大丸子因其毛糙的外形如雄狮之头 , 吃起来肥而不腻 . 且色泽美观 , 很合年轻“食肉族”的胃口哦 ! 虾饺云吞面 - 正宗的港式虾饺和云吞面这类的香港风味 . 三种不同的肉丸云吞面 - 狮子头 , 鱼丸和猪肉丸 . 红酱叉烧黑酱油饭 - 油米饭香甜爽口 , 这碗饭做得好吃 , 还能吃好几碗 . 自做猪肉香肠/腊肠加蛋 全日早餐套餐 - 面包 + 半熟蛋 + 一杯茶 , 才RM6.90 ...