
Showing posts from May, 2019

鬍子茶 Who's Tea, Melacca | Malaysia

奶茶,奶茶,奶茶,还是奶茶. 今年奶茶的潮流还是那么高那么旺,如果你不知你真的OUT了. 排到乱喝到乱,最重要是要好喝不好喝排来干嘛! 我今天好幸运的就是遇到鬍子茶,那么多其他为什么选鬍子茶? 鬍子茶是第一间在马六甲开业,吉隆坡还没有的哦.位于马六甲新商业街Kota Laksamana的奶茶街,这是一幢现代建筑的杰作店屋.来自1910年至1940年的“海峡”风格,发现百年的丰富故事. 历史上的神奇,永远是一个惊喜. < 鬍子茶 Who's Tea源自台湾,听说在台湾已经有三十多间分店.鬍子茶 Who's Tea在台湾是很知名的哦,别开玩笑哦!!  很感谢 專誠國際投資顧問有限公司 Pro Specialist Advisory (International) Sdn. Bhd. 为了让茶的文化传承到马来西亚,所以决定引进源自于台湾品牌「鬍子茶 Who's Tea」,让我们有口福了! 环境来说,有温馨的感觉.它会让您感受到饮料 和食物的美味,还能让你的脑袋暂时放松一下,这是个能让你停留的场所,享受美食的好地方.在这里,你也能享受到员工的热烈欢迎与招待. 完美到有在台湾的感觉和服务, 鬍子茶的不一样就是有各种茶的选择. 说起茶叶,不一样就是不一样. 说起茶叶,它们的茶叶都是台湾进口的高级茶叶,有四种茶:青茶,绿茶,红茶和铁观音,主打传承茶的文化. 鬍子茶的 四大天王 招牌饮料, 特别到没朋友!! - 黑胡子奶茶 - 白胡子奶茶 - 芝士胡子铁观音 - 黑白胡子红茶 新鲜水果茶, 水果茶具有养生功效.不同的果茶具有不同的功效,是一种天然的养生方式.根据季节的变化把茶和不同的鲜果进行搭配, 例如有出色的新鲜红火龙果,葡萄柚,本土凤梨,翡翠柠檬等. 讲到吃,这也有特别的.特别的饮料一定要配特别的小吃. 地瓜薯条 特别料理炸盐酥鸡,特别多汁 Chicken & Ham PANINI 鸡肉和火腿 帕里尼 Omega Egg Cheese PANINI  起司欧姆蛋帕里尼 Thick Chicken PANINI 厚鸡肉 帕里尼 PADINI还是PALILI ?? --- 不是啦, 是PAN...

Taste by Champignons, EkoCheras Mall | Malaysia

Taste by Champignons is a new endeavour by Chef Gary Chang the winner of the Malaysian International Gastronomy Festival 2018. Chef Gary intends to make an impact on the landscape of the Malaysian dining scene by making fine French dining affordable to the masses. In the past, the local dining scene sat on two extremes, of hawker food and fine dining, with very little in between. This new endeavour brings fine French food to the masses by making it affordable and easily accessible. “Taste is a lifestyle, it offers a nice environment to chill and relax, a casual place to meet friends and enjoy good food and fantastic cakes over coffee or any beverage of your choice, at reasonable rates”, clarifies Chef Gary. This is the new movement in the local dining scene in Malaysia. The combined offering of Taste and The Champignons Cake Shop results in a formidable F&B venue only contested by the very best premier restaurants in the Klang Valley. Squid Ink Pasta with Market Seafood...

Ziffy Cafe, Sunway Nexis | Kota Damansara

Ziffy Cafe is not stranger name among place to eat in klang valley, The freshness will makes you unbelievable, Today Eddy Rush Fatboy had this opportunity by visiting Ziffy Cafe That located at Sunway Nexis, Kota Damansara. I will give you the exact Address and Google map after you read finish the whole article till bottom. The place are easily spot when you entered Sunway Nexis, I will advise you to use Waze or Google map. Ziffy Cafe taking customers on a culinary adventure around, While maintaining its reputation for offering comfort food, as it drives to elevate the comfort food proposition on which the brand has been built. The beautiful industrialist yet homey feeling whenever you enter and it will give you a sense of what is really all about foods, chill and relax. The feeling will make you stay here even longer and it would also make for a good place for just enjoy a great meal. The place is cozy and comfortable feel into it. You will always feel welcomed by the envir...

Mitchell ‘KAI’ LUM BACARDI Brand Ambassador – South-East Asia

Mitchell Lum (aka ‘Kai’) has been a part of the Bacardi-familia for two years, within the Asia, Middle East and Africa region. Since his start date in October 2016, he has taken up the helm as the Head of Advocacy/Brand Ambassador of South-East Asia. Based in Bangkok, Thailand, he has been an integral member of the development of the cocktail scene and culture since first arriving early 2014. Kai has developed his own passion for the beverage industry, learning to bartend in the basement of his family’s home in Honolulu, Hawaii. There he established basic skills of the trade, broadening his technique until traveling abroad in pursuit of work. Country hopping had eventually led him to Thailand, where he opened and established four bars within two years for a variety of hotels. His eagerness to show the country his passion for cocktails has led him to being awarded in several competitions. But most notably, he represented Thailand in the Bacardi Legacy Global Cocktail Competition...