Formosa Chang 鬍鬚張 , Taipei
-- This is The traditional Taiwanese food , you’ve probably heard of Formosa Chang . With more than 30 locations across greater Taipei , the restaurant chain has been in business since the late 1980s , and is one of the more successful ventures that have brought street food staples into the realm of mass production .
-- Ini ialah Makanan tradisional Taiwan , anda mungkin pernah mendengar name Formosa Chang Dengan lebih daripada 30 lokasi di seluruh Taipei , Perniagaan MULA sejak lewat 1980-an , dan merupakan salah satu usaha yang berjaya telah membawa makanan ini ke tahap komersial .
-- 这是台湾传统的饭菜 ,你可能听说过鬍鬚張 ,在台北拥有超过30个地点 ,餐厅是在80年代就开始做生意的 ,并且是带来了街头主食投入批量生产领域比较成功的企业之一 .
-- Formosa Chang’s atmosphere caters to the simple idea of a traditional Taiwanese eatery with wooden tables and stools . Relaxing jazz music is piped softly in the background and the waitters/waitress staff is highly trained to be polite and efficient .
-- Suasana Formosa Chang memang sempoi seperti kedai makan tradisional dengan meja kayu dan kerusi dengan muzik jazz yang dipasang keluarnye lagu yang merdu dibelakang dan pelayan yang terlatih untuk menjadi sopan dan cekap .
-- 鬍鬚張店的环境是很简单周围迎合传统木桌和凳子 和轻松的音乐从后面来,这里的服务员/女服务员训练的有礼貌和爽利 .
-- The Braised Minced Pork Rice at Formosa Chang served very great Braised pork . Instead of using minced pork, the restaurant used pork strips . The rice mix was savoury and delicious . Top quality rice was used that had the pearly-white colour , NTD35(MYR4.40) .
-- Nasi khinzir Bekuah Kicap di Formosa Chang memang sedap , mereka guna bahagian lemak untuk tumis dengan kuah kicap dan mengunakan beras Kualiti terbaik dengan harga NTD35(MYR4.40) .
-- 粹魯要熬煮六個小時以上,不斷的攪動、不斷的撈去浮油,把豬肉豬皮的膠質煮出來,淋在飯上的是膠質而不是油,吃起來才香滑而不膩 .
-- Deep Fried Pork Cutlet to be equally big and thick. Instead, the pork cutlet was thin and small in size . Despite of its small size, the cutlet has a nice fragrance . The marinade penetrated the thin cuts of meat very well . The seasoning tasted fantastic , NTD75(MYR9.40)
-- Sayatan daging Khinzir goreng ni saiznya besar dan tebal pasti dipotong sekeping-keping , sayatan memang mempuyai aroma yang memuaskan , perapan yang cukup lama hingga bahan bahan perapan melekat fkat daging . NTD75(MYR9.40)
-- 唐山排骨 , 採用上選的里肌肉,加上獨家唐山醬精心料理而成,不油不膩,風味特殊,無論銷售量及消費者的風評,都有不錯的成績 . NTD75(MYR9.40)
-- Braised Ducks Eggs looked simple but it had a nice aroma .The egg tasted best when eaten with rice . The rich aromatic sauce complemented the rice so well that it was palatable . Usually , when you order a serving of braised minced pork rice, it would come with a hard boiled egg . NTD18(MYR2.10)
-- Telur Itik Tumis namapk biasa tapi aromanya memang wangi . telur ini memang sedap kalau dimakan dengan nasi khinzir Bekuah Kicap NTD18(MYR2.10)
-- 安心鴨蛋,精選鴨蛋,通過48項動物用藥檢驗合格,獨家配方魯汁魯製,好吃的不得了 NTD18(MYR2.10)
-- 貢丸湯 , 湯頭是以大骨熬煮四小時做為湯底,融合菜頭與大骨的菁華, 讓整碗湯喝起來順口濃郁;菜頭的選用方面,精心挑選品質良好的蘿蔔,無冇心,再加上特地精選的新竹貢丸,貢丸全程製做過程採機器化,乾淨又衛生 。NTD$40(RM5.10)
Formosa Chang
330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City,
Taoyuan District, 桃園縣桃園市中正路901號
+886 3 357 1021
330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City,
Taoyuan District, 桃園縣桃園市中正路901號
+886 3 357 1021
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